Tuesday, August 11, 2009


My copy of Yarnbombing arrived! I was so surprised to see it in the mailbox. Surprised but happy - I had heard that the first copies were available but I thought I would have to wait until October to see mine. Not so.

Thank you Leanne and Mandy!

The Knitted Mile gets a nod - with pictures - in the section about figuring out how much yarn you will need (the book is as much a document of past projects as it is a DIY guide). This cracks me up because of the number of times TKM project sent me scrambling for more and more and yet more yarn. Guess I could of used this book!

But the photos look fabulous. Indeed, the whole book is beautiful and energetic and, no doubt, will inspire many more to cover the world in knitwear.

----edited to add-----
Now that I have had a better chance to look at the book more thoroughly, I see that TKM isn't exactly in a section on calculating yardage, but section on letting your imagination run wild, which is actually nicer. Also, they misspelled my name in a couple of places....sigh....maybe it will be corrected when the second edition comes out!


Jan Seymour-Ford said...

Did the pencil cozy make the book? I guess it's not yarn graffiti in the same sense as the other book projects, but it IS subversive!

Robyn said...

Hi Jan!

Unfortunately, the water tower project happened after the book had already gone into its final edits. Both TKM and the water tower will be in an upcoming edition of Ripley's Believe It or Not, which is kind of funny. Right up there with the Bearded Lady!