Investigate the ambiguity and complexity of the subject of war through the Battle Pass project. Drawing parallels between past and present, you’ll work with a number of Proteus Gowanus artists and performers as you participate in the process that led to the creation of Battle Pass, based on the 1776 Revolutionary War battle at Gowanus Creek in Brooklyn. This workshop includes a discussion of historic tide mills that once existed throughout the New York area; a Battle Pass performance; hands-on activities, including boat-making; and the creation of cockades, the hallmark of an American Revolutionary.
Exploration, by artists and non-artists alike, is at the heart of Proteus Gowanus’s way of thinking and working. PG is an interdisciplinary collaborative located near Brooklyn’s Gowanus Canal, but it also takes its name from Proteus, the Greek god of the sea, who could readily change his form.
I will be presenting some information about cockades (still the busiest cockade maker in Queens!) and then invite participants to make their own rebellious, black cockcade while we together pen a Rebel's Manifesto that will become part of the performance led by artist, Paul Benney.
It is good that I am so incredibly busy with the two upcoming exhibitions or I might be nervous about this!