Monday, June 04, 2007

Fiber Intake

There hasn't been enough knitting and fiber-related posting going on here. This is partly because I haven't been knitting much and partly because of the photo downloading issue. Let's see if we can't fix that.

Here is a picture of some icelandic wool that I brought up with me. I washed about 1/3 of the fleece the other day. It is drying near our woodstove, along with its newest friend and companion, Minkie.

I immediately set to spinning it. After spinning an entire white fleece, the novelty of brown was irresistable. Look how beautiful my spinning wheel is in the late afternoon sun...sigh...

Some of the finished product.

And here are some other random pictures of life in Gillams of late:

The weather has been cool and grey, to say the least.

But when the sun comes out...the wash.

And, at long last, we see some sign that spring is really here.

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