Monday, November 09, 2009

Winnipeg or Saskatchewan or Where Ever You Are

I have put my money where my mouth is and booked an RV for five weeks in late May/June 2010. We will head north and then west and finish the travel part of Knitting Sprawl.

After our fall travels, I found the expense of hotels and meals were so great that I needed to look for an alternative way of finishing up the trip. At a certain point the idea of a rental RV crossed my mind and I began to have visions of us as homeschooling hippies: travellin' and learnin' (and knittin' and talkin'). Also, I liked the idea that we would be a little more in charge of our schedule so if something good came up we could take advantage of it, as opposed to be locked into reservations at various places.

Thus, we are officially booked with our Class C vehicle, with generator.

Should be interestin'.


  1. take a driving lesson or two...
    I mean i know canadians are the nicest drivers in the world, but its good to practice a bit before you head out of NY!

    (do you have a class C licence? do you need one for a 5 week trip?)

    i know, i am such a worry wort.. but small details can mess up an otherwise lovely experience!

  2. You are correct to think of all the details! One doesn't need a special license to drive a class C motorhome, as it is called. I have driven vans now and then, but I will definitely need some practice with such a large vehicle after our little ones...

  3. Wow, Robyn, that sounds like a great trip. I rather envy you, I've always wanted to do something like that. PS What does one do with Jerusalem artichokes? (Pardon my naivete.)
