For a long time, I have been lamenting my laziness. Somehow, I just never seemed to get around to spinning yarn for my etsy shop. How can this be? Too much wasted time on the computer? Daydreaming out the window when I should be applying myself?
Yesterday I realized that, perhaps, it wasn't total laziness. Maybe it was, in fact, busy-ness. Because now that teacher training is over, suddenly I find myself listing yarns in my etsy shop.
Over 600 yards of lace weight Rambouillet!
A wee skein - only 56 yds - also of the same Rambouillet.
A gorgeous bulky two-ply. When I made that orange and black skein for my friend's hat the other day, it was so fun to knit up that bulky two-ply that I decided that I must share the love! Made from a Widdershins fleece that was 80% BFL and 20% silk. So soft, it is like a dream!
And check out this dreamy shot. Currently under production...some Shetland lace weight.
It is nice to be back.
ooohhh so beautiful!