Thursday, September 20, 2007

When someone tells you that you suck

In among all the activities of getting back into a life in NYC, I have been working on an article for a new artist website, artbistro. The article is about how artists handle negative feedback; stories, tips and advice. It started, of course, with my own "filthy embarrassment" experience but as I spoke with people, and received comments here, I began to realize that this is such a universal experience of artists of all kinds, that it might be interesting to look at it from a more general perspective and see what comes up.

To that end, I am asking anyone and everyone who has ever been told that their work sucks (or words to that effect), to share their story with me. What happened? What did you do? How did it affect you and your work? Also, let me know if I can quote you directly or simply refer to you as "an artist," "a writer," or some other more anonymous title. Since this is a web-based article, I can put links to your website if you have one.

If you prefer not to leave your story in the comments section, then please feel free to email it to me at thehousemuseum(at)nf(dot)sympatico(dot)ca. Put the @ and . in the proper places, of course.

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