Friday, August 31, 2012

NY Art Book Fair

Coming soon!  The NY Art Book Fair at MoMA/PS1.  The fair is FREE and open to the public.  It runs Thursday night to Sunday evening, September 27-30. 

Public fair hours are as follows:

Thursday, September 27, 6–9 pm 
Friday, September 28, 12 pm–7 pm
Saturday, September 29, 11 am–9 pm 
Sunday, September 30, 11 am–7 pm

What makes it extra groovy is that I will be there helping out at the table of one of my all-time favourite organizations, Impractical Labor in Service of the Speculative Arts (ILSSA).  ILSSA's motto is "As many hours as it takes" and describes itself as a "membership organization for those who make experimental or conceptual work with obsolete technology".  

From their website:

Impractical Labor is a protest against contemporary industrial practices and values. Instead it favors independent workshop production by antiquated means and in relatively limited quantities. Economy of scale goes out the window, as does the myth that time must equal money. Impractical Labor seeks to restore the relationship between a maker and her tools; a maker and her time; a maker and what she makes. The process is the end, not the product. Impractical Labor is idealized labor: the labor of love.
It is run like a union with each individual being the sole member of their "local".  I am a proud member and I am extra proud to be helping out at the book fair.  I will be there with my spindle, just so you know.

And just so this isn't an image-free post, here is a picture I took on a recent trip to Hamilton, Ontario.  We were on a desperate search for sandals for Lucy before a wedding.  All we could find were these:

We declined.  But later, we did see a brave soul walking around town with a pair on.  More power to ya, lady!

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