Thursday, September 08, 2011

Packing and Prana

Nearly 200 squares (and another art project titled Memorials/The Doughboy that will be part of another exhibition at the Biennale titled Here and Now) were packed up and taken away on Tuesday.  The photo above was my attempt to do a bit of pre-sorting of colours.

My contact person in Korea sent me a note today saying that she will collect 300 squares locally tomorrow.  How is this even possible?  We have been working (pretty hard, I might add!) for weeks to produce the nearly 250 squares that we produced and they have managed to create 300 in a matter of a week or so?  These are people I have to meet!

Apparently it will be the beginning of a Thanksgiving-like holiday when I arrive so I will have a couple of days to adjust before diving into work.  I have some ideas about how the squares will be laid out and installed but nothing that can be confirmed until I am actually standing there among the trees.  

Amazingly, I am almost all packed and I think I have tied up most of the loose ends regarding Finn and Lucy's fall schedule, my project for the Stitch 'n Pitch, and the other 10,000 things that need to be attended to before setting off.  There almost was a disaster when I discovered this afternoon that my flight reservation had been canceled by the internet service that booked it (long, boring story of miscommunication).  After a brief moment where I thought it might be a message from the universe that I was not meant to go after all, everything was quickly arranged and I was re-booked on the same flights back and forth.  

Did you know that air travel is, statistically, the safest way to travel?  That you would have to fly everyday for 19,000 years to die in a plane crash?  That the chances of dying a plane crash are something like one in 13 million?  Also, that deep breathing exercises are helpful when calming fears?  If only I knew of some strategies for minding the breath and uniting the mind and body through breathing techniques like pranayama!


See you in Cheongju!


Xxx. Xxxx said...

Deep breathing and the certainty that you are flying from one end of the world where you are greatly supported to another that's outpaced that support -- and they don't know you yet! How cool is that?!

Fly! and don't talk to Bruce, the statistics professor who hates to fly, until after you've returned.

doe said...

i have friends who fly back and forth all the time to indonesia, other friends who fly back and forth to spain, and others who fly back and forth to nepal! you're in good company and it'll be a fun trip :)

(we're curious as to how you'll be attaching the squares . . looking forward to your posts, if you can.)

Newfoundland Fibre Artist said...

Looking forward to pictures :-)