Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Cup Spills Over..and Over...

Every year I anticipate a quiet fall where we reconnect with our homeschooling community of friends and I calmly and quietly make all sorts of lovely things - handspun yarn, knit sweaters for the whole family, bake lots of bread and serve up hot, home-cooked meals. I have no pressing deadlines yet creativity is all around. Everything is appreciated in the moment and we revel in the changing daylight and cooler temperatures. Bliss.

Yup. Every year the same fantasy.

In reality, reconnecting with our wonderful homeschooling community means learning about the zillions of great things to do and struggling to say no to at least some of them in order to preserve at least a small chance at sanity. Add to that a growing interest in Wee Ball Yarns - enough to encourage me to keep at it steadily (read: every day or fall behind). Then a couple of art opportunities have cropped up. And then, in my moment of fantasy when I still believed with all my heart that life would be simple and clear this fall, I signed up for a yoga teacher training program that requires a rather massive time commitment. And so it goes: the cup, filled to the brim, begins to spill over.

Stay focused. Be organized. These are my watch words this season.

As my life is an embarrassment of riches, I am committed to celebrating these opportunities, not grousing about them. Here are a couple of nice thing that have come my way recently:

- an online store that sells fine handmade objects for home and gifts have picked up a selection of Wee Ball Yarns hats. Check them out here.

- a new online community for artists and curators is featuring my work on the homepage for the next two weeks. Have a look!

And will I soon be crocheting a giant commissioned pencil cozy for a NYC landmark on my way to yoga classes? I'll let you know!


Niki said...

I love it Robyn, " the cup filled to the brim and spilling over."
It sounds familiar. I'd never heard it stated that way before. Great summary really.
Hope you are well and have fun with the yoga course.

Unknown said...

the hats look great in their new shop! well done...

doe said...

i love seeing the knitted mile up there! so so cool . . and the cup spilling over is so so true. every year i'm determined to balance it all . . and so i better get off the computer now . . or things will get too tippy . .