Wednesday, January 26, 2011


All these snow days have meant that my yarn inventory has been growing. I made four skeins yesterday - a record for me. I started carding and after I made each set of batts, I asked myself, "keeping going?" and then, "why not!". There were reasons why not, actually, but I ignored them. Oddly enough, these reasons are still with me today, so I have another opportunity to attend to them.

I will add two more skeins to my etsy shop today and two tomorrow. It is nice to have a little backlog.

Snow continues general over the land. The bay is starting to ice up and the skiing conditions are excellent. This is the good stuff.

I also want to share with you this blog being kept by writer, Kathleen Winter (she is my latest internet crush). I am enjoying it enormously. She has set a goal for herself of doing something new every, single day this year. I can hardly imagine doing something new every week, let alone every day. I highly recommend it.

Also, we happened upon this. I can't even express how much I love this - they have managed to capture not just how people talk about art but exactly and specifically how Americans talk about art. It is just perfect.

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