Monday, January 24, 2011

Finished Product

Yesterday, I had the most wonderful surprise of receiving some photographs of a project completed with a skein of my yarn. It happens so very rarely that it is always a huge delight. And this one is especially so because 1. I loved that skein of yarn and parted with it reluctantly. 2. The yarn was named Blanket Creek in honour of our very favourite place we stayed on our trans-Canadian trip last June so it was full of good thoughts and memories. 3. Just look at those colours!

But I gladly allowed someone to give me money in exchange for all those feelings, thoughts and ideas masquerading as yarn because 1. the person who bought was the fabulous Katie O'Sullivan, 2. Besides being a rocking knitter, Katie also is Lucy's boss - not that Lucy needs me to butter her up or anything, but why cause problems? And 3. She very clearly also loved this skein of yarn. I know parting with that much money for one skein of yarn was not the easiest thing she had ever done.

But look what she made!

Stunning, no? Here have a closer look:

Thank you, Katie, for sharing your pictures with me and allowing me to share them here. Your work is gorgeous!

1 comment:

urban muser said...

beautiful! it must really feel great to see that finished product.