Otherwise, why am I sitting here at 4:45 am? I am getting ready for to head out the door to attend Sharath Jois' ashtanga workshop. Every morning this week I need to be in Manhattan and on the mat ready to go by 6:30 am. And if that isn't enough, I then will do the full primary series. Should be interesting!
What other kinds of love do we have simmering?
Ah yes - the slightly stinky kind. Something about the warm weather says "get out those dye pots" to me. That and the fact that there seems to be some kind of blood lust for fleece in St. John's these days. Wonder how that happened? A Good Yarn put in another order for batts and, fortunately, I seem to have acquired two (ahem) drum carders so I can make them just as soon as I flesh out my color selection. Yellow was strangely absent from my stash. Onion skins to the rescue!
But I am not the only one flirting these days.
Finnian has been taking a class in budokai, a Japanese sword technique. Spending hours playing with swords in a room full of other people who also love swords and no one to tell you "please watch out!" or "not in the living room!"?
I think he likes it.
these passions are good, no? I love the photo of the dye pot and of your son, sword at the ready. I'm entrenched in knitting lace. weird.
Yay for Finn and onion skins!
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