A new item posted on Wee Ball Yarns. A fair isle patterned hat using two Wee Ball colours. Look for another, differently patterned hat tomorrow. The two hats were made from a total of two, 50g sock weight merino skeins. They were a delight on the needles and are light and warm on the head. And now they are for sale.

We spent the Columbus Day (US) or Thanksgiving Day (Canada) holiday weekend up in Rhode Island, where blind devotion to the Red Sox is not only normal, but widely displayed. Including on the covers to Hoodsies. Can you get more New England-ly than that? Wicked pissa! (does anyone still talk that way? even in New England?) I once worked at a day camp in Westchester, NY, as a counselor and at the end of the day, each child was offered a little cup of vanilla and chocolate ice cream along with a little wooden spoon sealed in paper. The first day, I called out, "c'mon kids, come get your Hoodsies!" Blank looks. "Hoodsies, kids! Hoodsies! C'mon!" More blank looks. Alas, it was another world in Westchester. Different words for EVERYTHING!

Some people collect teapots, some people collect owl figurines. Me? I collect citizenships. After 2.5 years of waiting, my post-nuptial, as it is called, citizenship to Ireland arrived in the mail. I am now officially a member of the EU. Talk about wicked pissa! Can Canada be far behind?
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