Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Let the Work Begin

It has been raining for days.  While I do love rain, I also have laundry to do, so a sunny day here and there is most welcome.  Yesterday evening, a strange and brilliant object appeared in the sky, blinding all who turned their eager faces toward it.  Could it be?

It was!

The plus side of rainy days is that there is no pressure to do yard work or gardening.  These are hardly chores but I do feel their tug when the sun is out and I am inside working.  No worries about that lately.  This situation has allowed me, ever, ever so slowly, to assemble most of what I need for my Transcending Potash project.  I am making some cross stitch pieces with quotes about uptopia and temperance on them.  I will put these out on the street only for a photo-op.  For the treasure hunt, I will make colour copies of them as the base for larger posters.  I know I could just computer generate the whole thing, but....what fun is that?

I also finally purchased the fabric for the tent.  Actually, I purchased it twice.  I found this fabric in a very old-fashioned department store in Stephenville a couple of weeks ago (you know the kind of department store that still has a fabric department).  I thought to myself then that it would be perfect for the tent, and then I didn't buy it.  What, you may ask, was I thinking?  Argh, I have no idea.  Shoulda, woulda, coulda.  But life is full of second chances and so it was with this fabric, which is 50/50 cotton and linen.  It is perfect and I love it.

But how did I purchase it twice?  After not buying it the first time I saw it, I promptly came home and ordered fabric online.  This fabric, which I was not even convinced would be correct for the project, is coming from the US.  I should have known it was ill-fated when it didn't get shipped for a week - they lost my order.  Now it is on the way but who knows when it will arrive.  It has to get through customs and then actually find its way here.  You might think we live in the 21st Century but if you are mail ordering things from the US to rural Newfoundland, let me assure you, we do not.

I am certain it will be equally complicated, if not more, to return it so I think it is safe to say that I will have a surplus of white fabric on hand with which to make my next project.  Actually, now that I think of it....

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