Here are some sneak preview pictures. I feel like there could be more, better, etc., but I did all I could given the amount of time I had. It is a work in progress.
The main piece, reflecting our travels across southern Ontario. Not so sure about little Ottawa up there. I wanted to take it down but Pam, the curator, wanted it up. The lighting isn't great in this photograph, but in real life, the natural light is actually quite lovely.
A detail....Hamilton.

Here was the shocker - the mile-long ramp. I had no idea this was part of the show. I had two days to make something of it and what I made was a kind of map-like narrative. I cut aerial views of suburban developments out of the papers I had collected on our trip - maps, brochures, directions, even my pattern charts - and connected them with pieces of double crochet.
A detail.
The video installation with three of the ceramic pieces.
If you are in or near Peterborough tomorrow evening and want to see it live, stop by from 7 - 9 p.m. My show is but one of three exhibitions opening tomorrow. In fact, it is a small side light to the main attraction: Allyson Mitchell's Lady Sasquatch.
We're having such nasty weather here, Robyn. I hope you've made it home safely!!
Thanks for your concern Patti! I did make it home, although there were some hairy moments, mainly on the 401 near Kingston. Otherwise, it wasn't too bad.
That's so cool! Wish I could have seen it.
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